Present Continuous Tense

Present Continuous TenseOr, Present Progressive Tense

Present Continuous Tense

বর্তমানে কোনো কাজ চলতেছে এরূপ বোঝালে verb এর Present Continuous Tense হয়।
 যেমন- I am going to school.
          He is going to school.

Subject +am/is/are+ মূল verb এর শেষেing’ + object + extension

I এর পর ‍’am’
3rd person singular number এর পর ‘is’
সকল Plural Number এবং You এর পর ‘are’
I am doing the work.
He is learning English.
Lipi is reading a book.
You are watching T.V.
They are playing football.
We are drinking tea.

Rules of ‘ing’ adding

Verb এর শেষে ‘e’ থাকলে ‘e’ উঠিয়ে দিয়েingযোগ করতে হয়যেমন-
Come-coming, write-writing, dance-dancing

Word এর শেষে consonant থাকলে এবং এর আগে একটি মাত্র vowel থাকলে consonant টি ডাবল করেingযোগ হবেযেমন-
Run-running, sit-sitting, get-getting, swim-swimming, travel-travelling

Word এর শেষে ie থাকলে ie এর পরিবর্তে y হবে এবংing যোগ হবেযেমন-

Use of Present Continuous Tense

(a)বর্তমানে কোনো কাজ চলেছে বুঝালে:
They are playing cricket in the field.Tania is writing a letter.

(b) নিকট ভবিষ্যবুঝাতে (যে কাজ এর পরিকল্পনা অথবা আয়োজন হয়েগেছে):
I am going to Dhaka tomorrow.

(c) পুনারাবৃত্তি কাজের জন্য বিরক্ত প্রকাশ করতে:
You are always interrupting me when I am talking.

(d)  Now, at present, at this moment, day by day, rapidly, ইত্যাদি adverb গুলোর সাথে বেশিরভাগ ক্ষেত্রেই present continuous tense হয়: যেমন-

She is reading now.
Bangladesh is developing day by day. 

Negative form of Present Continuous Tense

Present Continuous Tense কে negative করতে হলে ‍am/is/are এর পর  not বসাতে হয়
Structure: Subject+am not/is not/are not+মূল verb এর  শেষেing’+object+extension.
He is not playing well.
I am not  playing cricket.

Interrogative form of  Present Continuous Tense

Present Continuous Tense কে interrogative করতে হলে ‍Subject এর আগে am/is/are বসাতে হয়
Structure: am/is/are/isn’t/aren’t +Subject+মূল verb এর  শেষেing’+object+extension?
Is he playing well?
Am I eating  bread?

Present Continuous Tense in passive form

Structure: Object এর ‍subject form + am being/is being/are being + verb এর past participle + preposition (by, with, to, at ইত্যাদি) + subject এর object form
A letter is being written by me.
I am being called by her. .
He is being beaten.

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