Past Continuous Tense
Past Continuous Tense
Or, Past Progressive Tense
Past Continuous Tense
অতীতকালে কোনো কাজ চলতেছিল, এরূপ বোঝালে verb এর Past Continuous Tense হয়।
I was going
to school.
Subject +was/were+ মূল verb এর শেষে ‘ing’ + object + extension
3rd person singular number এবং I এর পর ‘was’
সকল Plural Number এবং
You এর পর ‘were’
was doing
the work.
was learning
Jarin was reading a book.
were watching
were playing
were drinking
Rules of ‘ing’ adding
Verb এর শেষে ‘e’ থাকলে ‘e’ উঠিয়ে দিয়ে ‘ing’ যোগ করতে হয়। যেমন-
Come-coming, write-writing, dance-dancing
word এর শেষে consonant থাকলে এবং এর আগে একটি মাত্র vowel থাকলে consonant টি ডাবল করে ‘ing’ যোগ হবে। যেমন-
Run-running, sit-sitting, get-getting, swim-swimming, travel-travelling
Word এর শেষে ie থাকলে ie এর পরিবর্তে y হবে এবং ‘ing’ যোগ হবে। যেমন-
Lie-lying, Die-dying, Tie-tying
of Past Continuous Tense
(a)অতীতকালে একটি নির্দিষ্ট সময়ে কোনো কাজ চলছিলো: He was reading a
book yesterday evening.
(b)অতীতে দুটি কাজ একই সাথে চলছিলো (একটি কাজ অন্যটিকে প্রভাবিত করেনি): Lucky was writing
a letter while Shelly was reading a newspaper.
(c)একই কাজ বারবার করে বক্তাকে রাগালে (with always,
constantly, forever): He was always
coming late. ( I don’t like that.)
Past simple: He always came late. (
Here I have no comment.)
(d) Simple
past এবং Past continuous
tense এক সাথে: While we were
eating rice, he came.
Negative form of Past Continuous Tense
Past Continuous Tense কে
negative করতে হলে was/were এর পর not বসাতে হয়।
Structure: Subject+was not/were not+মূল verb এর শেষে ‘ing’+ object +extension.
He was not playing well.
I was not playing cricket.
Interrogative form of Past Continuous Tense
Past Continuous Tense কে
interrogative করতে হলে Subject এর আগে was/were বসাতে হয়।
am/is/are/isn’t/aren’t +Subject+মূল verb এর শেষে ‘ing’+object+extension?
Was he playing well?
Were you eating bread?
When were you playing?
Past Continuous Tense in passive form
Structure: Object এর
subject form + was being/were being + verb এর past participle +
preposition (by, with, to, at ইত্যাদি) + subject এর object form
A letter was
being written by me.
I was being called by her.
He was being beaten.
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